Monday, May 23, 2011

Continuation of "Fun With Dialogue"

"Sorry I'm late." The girl in a beige-yellow dress with pale flowers on it was not the same girl that I sat with that day at lunch. She couldn't have been...but she was. A little bit of make-up covered her face, and instead of falling all over her face it was pulled into a loose ponytail. The look on her face was pure excitement.
"May I ask why you're," I glanced at my watch, "thirty minutes late?" Her head snapped to the ground and a blush covered her cheeks. Finally, her eyes flickered up to me, the blush faded, and a wicked grin consumed that face of hers.
"Had to wait for Mommy to fall asleep." At that moment, right there under some dirty streetlight that was trying to burst into life, I realized how much she wanted to have a nice night with me. All plans that I had went out the window. Grabbing her hand, though, made her pleasantly surprised. Leading her throughout the town, I pointed to my favorite places to go. At a bar, when I pointed to it, she stared at it, eyes wide.
"Can we go in?" She asked, excitement filling her voice. I didn't think there would be any harm in taking her in, so I led her in. Fascination filled her eyes. The gents around stared back at her, just as curious about her as she was of them.
"Who's the lovely lass?" The bartender asked.
"Hello," she put her hand out. "I'm Storm." A smile filled every inch of her.
"Well, Storm, it's a pleasure to meet you." He took her hand and shook it. A low, low snarl came out of my throat.
"She's with me, James."
"I know, I know. You always find the loveliest of ladies." A purr came out of him. Storm didn't seem to realize that everyone around her changed shape around the time of a full moon or were already part animal. She simply seemed attracted to the bar itself.
"Let's get you home, Storm." I reached an arm around her shoulders and led her out. Still, over my shoulder, I heard James purr again.

I like James. He's a rivalll~

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