Sunday, May 29, 2011

Part 3

"Thank you for the night." She said at the corner of her street. "But my mom really cannot see me with a guy." The steps she took seemed more like bounces.
"Wait!" I yelled, "Can we have a second date?" A grin with all her teeth showing crossed her face.
"Yeah, of course!"
"I know this candy shop on the corner of Washington Street and Addison Road."
"Will Saturday next week work?"
"Yes!" Running towards me, she looked like a bird that could just take off at any moment. She jumped right into my arms. Gently, timidly, she placed her lips on mine. Standing there, on the corner, at an ungodly hour, I kissed her with no regrets. She was the girl I was already planning my future with.
"Bye! See you at school." She dashed off, looking almost embarrassed that she managed to work up the nerve to kiss me. When I got home that night, my mom could tell that I had a wonderful night even if she didn't read my Facebook status that said "WONDERFUL night!!".
Monday, I sat by her at school, even though my friends begged me to sit with them. She talked with me about so many things. Those eyes of hers that I loved so much never once left my eyes. Everything she told me she was passionate about. She was passionate about painting and painted her own walls at least twice a year. Soccer was another one of her passions. Without my knowledge she was on the soccer team for our school.
"So... do you know about me any?"
"No. Well, I know you have porn under your mattress." When my jaw dropped, she continue, "Most guys our age do. That's why they're evil." She kissed me, though, as though to say sorry.

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